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Críticas: Arboles y Amores

"Una maravilla la interpretación, te pone los pelos de punta... Pura delicadeza y sentimiento!"
- Mundofonías: Radio Exterior de España

"A collection of classic Colombian melodies that, along with Claudia Gómez's 'Tierradientro', reinforce Colombia's lovely musical heritage. Mark Baum's voice and Rafael Manríquez's guitar partner seamlessly in a pleasant, liquid symbiosis."
- Michael Guillén: blogger y entravistador

"Don't be fooled by the seemingly smooth surface: repeat hearings will reward you with a well of emotional depth, delicate touches and nuanced melodies. It will be then that you'll realize that the smooth appearance is actually a polished, delightfully crafted piece of music. "
- Carlos Schröder: poeta, traductor, y profesor